How to uninstall a .NET language pack for good?If you are also one of those that hates getting .NET Exceptions in your own language and actually running Windows 10 in English there is…Posted on September 7th, 2019
How to setup ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT variable on an IIS WebsiteWhen running an core website on IIS, it will default to "Production", when is not set. This is actually a good default. You could…Posted on February 23rd, 2019
Let’s Encrypt & IIS as reverse proxy with Certify the WebAfter I have been running Teamcity and Octopus Deploy behind a Microsoft IIS without a certificate for some years I decided to give it a go…Posted on December 9th, 2017
Adding users to a TFS Project from the serverI have a few servers running, but they are all external to me, as they are placed in a data center, so my own computer aren't joined to the…Posted on March 18th, 2011
Windows Server 2008 R2 takes forever to start up–60 minutes or soSo a few weeks ago I disabled Ipv6 from the Local Area Connection on my Windows Server 2008 R2. I was changing the gateway and I thought, I…Posted on July 20th, 2010